In 2018 my university had a coorporation with the Aquazoo Museum in Düsseldorf. There were different groups of students with different projects that were realized with the help of MiReVi. The goal of my group was to create an interactive projection, that teaches about the evolution of prehistoric animals from water animals to land animals.
Visitors can interact with the projected 3D environment and the animals will react to the tracked movement of the visitors. We used two Xbox Kinects to track the visitors in the museum.
I was tasked with the modeling, texturing rigging and animation of the animals. I used Cinema 4D, Zbrush and Substance Painter for that. The whole application was finalized in Unity.
An official video about the installation inside the Düsseldorf Aquazoo. (in German)
Each animal had a walk/swim and idle animation.
HQ renderings of the Animals with small diorama tiles to represent their habitat.
Two smaller prehistoric animals that I modeled and animated quickly in a late stage of the project.
A concept rendering of the environment for the last stage of the evolution.
Another student group that worked with the Aquazoo also asked me for my help so I modeled a penguin for them.