My name is Gabriel Abu Rabia and I'm an artist based in Germany.
I love all kinds of media, which was visible early on, as I started with doodles as a child and went on to discover photography, film, 2D animations as well as all things 3D. I am very passionate about exploring different media formats, trying new workflows and finding solutions for a variety of problems.
In 2017 I completed my traineeship as a Mediadesigner with a focus on industrial 3D animations. In 2022 I graduated with my project "Historic Chats" at Hochschule Düsseldorf with a Bachelor of Arts. The thesis was a concept for an app that lets you talk to a digital recreation of a historic person, powered by the Unreal Engine. I chose this as my final project as I am very interested in history and realtime 3D. Using the power of realtime 3D not only for entertainment, but for education, commerce and cultural preservation is something I would like to explore in the future.