Avatar 3D Animated Elements

Since I am a huge Avatar The Last Airbender fan and in anticipation of the netflix adaptation and the other upcoming projects of newly founded Avatar Studios I created a series of 3D animations of all the elements and subelements featured in the show.
My goal was to visualize them in 3D but still try to contain a stylized look that resembles the show. Getting the animations to loop was also a goal.

Software used: Cinema 4d, Octane, Embergen, Xparticles

The elements and their icons are based upon the designs of the deviantart user Evaron: https://www.deviantart.com/evaron/art/Avatar-sub-elements-chart-844824153

Primary Elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Air

Secondary Elements: Ice, Sand, Flame, Airscooter

Tertiary Elements: Healing, Metal, Lighting, Levitation

Quaternary Elements: Plants, Minerals, Heat, Vortex

Quinary Elements: Blood, Lava, Combustion, Clouds